Crazy Reasons that People Have Received and Missed Out on Job Offers

Daphne Blake
4 min readMay 29, 2022

Hi everyone! For those of you new to my profile, I’m Daphne and I write about life as a recruiter in the tech industry. I’ve been recruiting in the tech space for a few years now, during which time I have seen some truly wild things. I’ve recruited for many different types of roles (both technical and non-technical) and met and interviewed thousands of candidates. Likewise, I’ve worked with many different types of hiring managers who have all had different criteria for candidates. Today, I wanted to share a few stories with you that I’ve witnessed about the reasons candidates received job offers and the reasons they didn’t. Believe it or not, everything in this article really happened.

Disclaimer: ultimately, the hiring managers were the ones who made the decision not to move forward with the candidate, not me.

Received a Job Offer

The candidate was the only one of five candidates to send a thank you letter after the interview. Despite not getting great initial feedback, this candidate spent time crafting the perfect thank you letter selling the manager on why he was the one for the role. It worked!



Daphne Blake

Daphne is currently a recruiter in the tech industry writing about life in talent acquisition and tips for candidates and managers alike.